Saturday 23 July 2016


Who wants my help?

With years working in professional theatre (I was paid to create) from pre-production (set design props, stage carpentry, scenic art, running a show) to teaching stagecrafts in two theatre schools (I am versatile) to self ownership (I had my own travelling theatre company) to acting (I know my way around a stage) to marketing (I know how to make money). 

Now if you want me...well I here to help you?

I am here offering you what I know..

Want to know more?

Friday 22 July 2016


The idea of getting any sort of money for any sort of project a few years ago was difficult to say the least. Most of the time it was impossible. Banks and other lending institutions would not look at you unless you had strong credit rating and other money to back you up. You had to be a good risk.

It is still difficult today, but with the advent of Crowdfunding raising money for your dream, your special idea, a need to help others, etc., well has become possible for practically anyone to do this.

So what exactly is Crowdfunding then? 

In simple terms Crowdfunding is the raising of funds for your project, by using small donations from a lot of people. This can be for basically anything, yes any idea and any project you can dream up. While most Crowdfunding attempts fail, one third of crowdfunding projects do actually work to some extent and the money needed is yes, raised.

Like anything this will depend of several factors. It is sales and you need the right pitch. You need a solid business plan or at least an idea on how you are going to use the money. If you get the money you wanted, it will be necessary to keep in contact with the people that helped you. You will need to keep them in the picture. After-all it is their money you are using, to make your dream a reality. 

So yes it is possible and for the right reasons basically anyone can get the funds they need to start out on their idea or dream.

It can be money raised to help people, help projects that are non-profit and it can also be to start up a business or to create something entirely new. Basically Crowdfunding can be for anything.

You do not have to be a charity for instance, or someone trying to save the world. Crowdfunding can be done for the quest to make money and put money in your pocket. 

Some Crowdfunding groups ask that you give something back to the people that helped you, your investors that got you going, or got that idea or dream started for you. So some crowdfunding works on some form of reward program.

Some crowdfunding systems work on an all or nothing basis. That is you set your goal and then reaching your goal, you get all the money you set out to get. Not reaching your goal, means you get nothing. Going over your goal limit, means you have a bonus of that extra money. Most of the Crowdfunding systems that use a set goal also have a time limit to raise that money in.  

Other crowdfunding systems work on the idea that you get everything you ask for, even if it is well below what you wanted. Sometimes you will reach your goal and sometimes you will not. 

There are some projects out there that far exceeded what they asked for. They might have set a goal of say $10,000 and in actuality they received ten times or more of the amount asked for. 

It is all possible and yes will depend on what you're asking people to help you with. It will also depend on whether or not your audience, the givers, feel about your project. Do they like the idea.

So then crowdfunding is run by organizations, that take a percentage of what you earn. There are many different systems out there ranging anywhere from 3 to 8 percent and then taking a fixed amount per transaction (.30 cents per etc) and so on..

Got an idea?

Why not try Crowdfunding. 

Ps: I have a couple of ideas... but more on that later...


Wednesday 20 July 2016



Read anything. 

Reading is so important today for everyone.

We have become a civilization of non-readers.
We watch now.
We connect with devices.
We are bombarded with endless information.
Television has become an acceptable form of occupying our time... couch potatoes perhaps?

We don't think, interact or learn.

We become immune to feelings and situations around us.
The internet (which yes I love) has endless possibilities for us to read.

There are also more non reading areas of the Net that will most likely consume most of our time.

Read a small book.
Read a novel.
Read a newspaper
Read a comic

It doesn't matter what.. we just need to read more and interact less with some digital existence.


Tuesday 19 July 2016

Love is all there is..

Love is one powerful word.

I love you.

I love that.

I am in love.

I love life... and so on.

If more people loved and experienced love there would be less anger, less disruption, less hate.

It is pretty simple really, when you come to terms with that... 
Come to terms with the word love.

One simple little word that can change so much for so many. 

This is nothing to do with what you believe in, or what your faith is, or the colour of your skin, or what you like in life, or who you choose to be with. 

It has nothing to do with personal gains, or wealth, or what you feel will bring you happiness.

Love is eternal, is available, is free, is pure.

We need to use that word more often. We need to feel that word each and every day we are here on this beautiful planet called earth.

We need to experience what love is and to share that word with as many people as we can. We also need to share the meaning of what that word is.

Lets love more.

Monday 18 July 2016

Help me to help the people

No matter where we go, it always seems to happen. We discover people that need our help. I have always been willing to help in whatever way I can, with people in trouble or really poor. 

Sometimes yes in the past it was possible to donate money to those in need. Or to support someone through a schooling project. Now that I am sort of retired.. it is difficult to do that. When we live on that fixed income, giving money to anyone becomes almost impossible.

But I still want to do more and I am hoping you do as well. 

Spending five extended trips into Latin America, helping in every way I could changed me, yes changed me and for the better. I learned how to love without conditions.

Financially I could do that down there, because I was living in a poor country and living there was inexpensive for me.

Now being retired things have changed for me... and I sometimes find it difficult to make things meet for myself sometimes. But even though, I still have this desire to do more.

I have a background in professional theatre among other things. The professional word means that I was paid for what I did. Sometimes I was paid really well and at other times well it was a struggle. But back then being younger that never seemed to matter, that struggle I mean because I was doing something because I loved doing that. 

Now I would really love to use what I know from live theatre, as well as my sales and marketing experience to generate cash to help people. I actually think that this is all very possible. But to start anything off you always need some start up funds as well. It was suggested to me why don't I look into crowdfunding... 

So yes I am exploring that option now. 

For the past two years I have been working on a fictional book. It is almost complete and I actually believe it will sell, coming from the feedback I have been getting.

My blog Heartquest Guatemala is being turned into a how to book. A sort of friendly advice on how to get to and travel in Guatemala safely.

Then I have a theatre project brewing in my mind as well.

Projects, projects, projects.. all needing an audience.. 
Ahh yes...

So my biggest project will be how to stimulate interest in my creative projects... Social media of course that along with direct marketing to select audiences..possible in the trade show, event, country fair, shopping market venues.

Want to make a difference... 

Help Me To Help The People..

One small step for mankind..

I am a bit if an entrepreneur, looking for better ways to perhaps invent the wheel. But I also it seems have this need people, groups or organizations, yes that desire to help people where and whenever I can.

Help comes in many forms, although many feel that it has to be by giving money.  But I have learned over time that help can come from sharing of information, ideas and sweat equity.

Today I cam across an article where a company of people are looking for funding to help people in poor countries. This particular country is Niger in Africa. 

I was moved by their campaign. 

What they want to do is provide simple pumps that do not need fuel to run on. These pumps using the natural energy of a moving river, then take water from that same river pumping it through a simple hose so that water collected can be used for irrigation. 

Irrigated land provides fuel for planting and food. Food takes away poverty.

Well if I had the cash I would help that way... but I don't. so I thought that I would reach out this way and hopefully you readers will help in this most worthy cause.

So why not check out this link...